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Frequently Asked Questions

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Here we’ve included some of the questions most frequently asked by our parents, students, and prospective band members. If you still have questions, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help!

How does my child join the band?

Most of our students come from the middle school music programs. However, if your child is interested in joining our program, please contact our band directors; he will be happy to talk with you.


What if my child can’t attend a practice or rehearsal?


Our programs depend upon each student to fulfill his/her part, both on the field and off. We aren’t able to practice effectively if students are frequently absent. We understand that occasionally due to illness or other unforeseen events students may occasionally be absent. Please refrain from scheduling doctor’s appointments or other activities during practice or rehearsal times. We’ve attached our complete attendance policy as well as the absence form on our Parents & Students page.​

My child has allergies and  needs to take medication. How do I proceed?


If your child needs to self-administer medication, parents or guardians need to fill out the Form for Self-Medication located on our Parents & Students page. Once it is complete, please return it to one of the band directors.




What should I do if my marching band child never tells me anything or gives me any papers?


  1. Join the email list on the HOME page to get newsletters and other information sent DIRECTLY TO YOU. 

  2. Check the website regularly and download & read the Rookie Parent Survival Guide.

  3. Band members will get handouts early for apparel and picture orders. Ask for them if you are interested.

  4. Attend band booster meetings & volunteer to help so you become connected with other parents in the know!


What is Band Boosters?


Band Boosters is parent-led, board-governed organization with two functions:  manage the money needed every year to run all the band programs and secure volunteers needed each season for assisting with various programs.  The Boosters work closely with the Band Director and the Band Staff on all band needs.


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